Richard Leighton
We’re Barbara and Richard (“Dick”) Leighton. We’re in the glorious Fall of our lives in Brooklin, Maine, after retiring from our professions. We’ve been in many places, but we’re certain that we’re now in the right place at the right time, permanently. We’ve had a residence here for more than 25 years.
Barbara now is a landscaper and gardener; Dick now is a photo-essayist. In our prior lives, Barbara was an architect and Dick was a trial lawyer.
This website is where we lodge some of Dick’s photographic images and essays, as well as information about his presentations and showings of those images.
Barbara often suggests the subject matter for Dick’s images, reviews some of his longer drafts, and organizes and manages the photography shows, including printing and mounting requirements.
The Journal section of this website contains Dick’s regular (often daily) posts of images and comments. These posts also appear on Dick’s FaceBook site, often in shorter form there. Most of his posts chronicle life and nature in Down East Maine and are the “notes” for a book of photo-essays. Dick tries to get out for a three- to five-mile camera walk most days, winter and summer.
This site’s Journal section also contains longer pieces with numerous images, especially our popular monthly postings of “Postcards From Maine.” Dick’s monthly photo-essay in the Ellsworth American also appears in the Monthly Column section of this website after that award-winning Maine newspaper publishes it.
Oh yes, there’s another member of our household: Bianca, a graduate of the Hancock County (Maine) Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. As far as we can tell, Bianca is part Maine Coon and at least 10 percent angel cake.